Saturday, September 24, 2011

Take the Stage

When you become part of a theatrical production, it's more than auditions and blocking and costumes, sets and props. It's a community; a family, of sorts. A specific group of people with various talents and skills who come together for a short time and a focused purpose. For a few turns of the clock, a page or two of your calendar, you are soulmates, sisters, moms and dads, lovers, friends, brothers-in-arms, enemies, offspring and in-laws. It is all pretend and all true at the same time. You believe it, because that's your gift to your audience.

Theatre has been in my blood as long as I can remember. From performing in a piano recital at the Iowa State Fair when I was five to writing and directing my first short play in grade school to years of participating in scholastic and community productions, my love for anything stage-related has grown. The idea behind this blog is to build a new theatrical community. One created for learning, encouragement, advice and networking.

We'll discuss scriptwriting, acting, stagecraft and directing, all of which I have experience in. But it's not just me. I plan to recruit from my rather large pool of theatre friends and acquaintances to serve as guest bloggers. And if you have a question about professional theatre, community productions or your church drama team, this is the place to ask anything. If I don't know the answer, I'm sure I know someone who does!

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